Lunch ideas for those who have no more inspiration
As a rule, during the week, we serve lunch at work or at school. Which makes things a little more complicated, because it is not easy to find those lunch ideas that fit well, offer you the vitamins, minerals and nutrients you need, do not have a disturbing smell for those around you, and many others. That’s why we decided to come to your aid with some suggestions from which you could be inspired.
Lunch ideas for work
Salads don’t have to be ordinary. Many of us, when we hear about salads, we feel as if our stomachs… tighten. However, they are among the best ideas for lunch because they are very healthy and, if you know how to “play” with the ingredients, they are neither banal nor tasteless. Don’t immediately rush to order some food or go for the classic pretzels, because it’s very easy to create something truly incredible from some seemingly banal ingredients. And you know that I told you that we will come to your aid with lunch ideas? Now is the time for them! It’s easy to eat a healthy lunch at work.
Even if you have heard about a certain kind of food that it is very healthy, if it is not to your liking, it is better not to eat it. Diversity does not mean consuming something you don’t like, but improving something seemingly classic and commonplace. For the classic tomato salad, for example, give up the onion if you are at the office, but give it extra flavor with some fresh basil or other aromatic herbs, some croutons that you baked at home, a better olive oil , a boiled egg and a few strips of chicken or turkey breast. Simple, delicious and very healthy and nutritious.
Lunch ideas for school
More color on the plate for lunch at school. It is not for nothing that they say that we eat primarily with our eyes. If we like how it looks, we will be more inclined to consume it all. Even nutritionists claim that a plate in which there are as many colors as possible given by fruits and vegetables can only be beneficial for us. Therefore, because we are always looking for lunch ideas, a salad as colorful as possible and full of textures and flavors is our suggestion. Look for those common ingredients, but in different colors. How to use yellow carrots, purple potatoes, green cauliflower and many others, to change the appearance of a favorite food, but of which you are tired. With the new colors, it will surely be much more appetizing. In addition, nature is quite generous when it comes to color on the plate! So, it easy to give to your kid a launch for school.
Healthy salads for lunch
Dressing changes everything. Try to experiment more when it comes to salad dressing. It’s true, we like the classic vinaigrette, but sometimes we want something else, and sometimes that salad dressing totally changes its taste. Experiment with more dressing ideas at home, and preferably, do them yourself, because they are much healthier than what you find in ready-made stores. A little sesame paste, to which you add salt, pepper, lemon or orange juice and a splash of olive oil, becomes a delicious dressing for your grilled vegetable salad, and a parsley pesto sprinkled over the potatoes takes them to a whole another level. And here’s how you managed to “steal” two other perfect lunch ideas for work or even school, in a suitable container.
Sandwiches reinterpreted
They are the most popular option and many people prefer them when looking for lunch ideas. The important thing is to get out of the comfort zone and bring something completely new here as well. And, fortunately, there are many lunch ideas with sandwiches that will make you look forward to the time when you will be able to serve the meal.
Replace the slices of bread with sticky ones, preferably those made from corn or whole grain, in which you can slip slices of thin ham, an omelette, slices of cucumber or arugula, a little cheese and then roll everything. It will be something really delicious, healthy, easy to eat and only good for lunch. Also, Asian-inspired spring rolls are another suggestion for you, because you bring more fresh vegetables into your food style.
Lunch when you are at work or at school should not be something trivial, on the contrary. May it please you to see it, enjoy it and bring you all the vitamins, minerals and nutrients you need. You will have even more energy, and maybe you will even manage to lose some of the extra kilos brought by the pastries and bagels that you have been consuming until now!